Gary Forney

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Some brief stats

Gary Forney
In The Studio

Full name: Gary Richard Forney
Born: February 12th 1953
Place of Birth: Oelwein, Iowa
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Shoulder-length White
Weight: 210
Height: 6'5"
I.Q. 155
Education: East High School, Waterloo Iowa ~ Class of 1972
                  University of Northern Iowa ~ Art Major
            Assc. Degree in Graphic Design,
            trained in musical composition and classical music,
            plays keyboards, guitar.
            is a published poet, and author.
Married: Bonnie Jean Hayzlett ~ November 8th 1975
Children: Joshua David Forney, Logan Adam Forney,
               Laura Lee Forney

" I hate when people assume that anyone with long hair is stupid.
   It's a bigotry that most aren't even aware of."

Too easy for cyber-vandals and gay stalkers to mess with entries!
Or for idiots with grudges to nominate entries for deletion!


Favorite movies:

Plan 9 From Outer Space, Clockwork Orange, The Doors, This is Spinal Tap, Puppy,
any movie with the word "Cheerleaders" in it.

Favorite music:

The Doors, The Moody Blues, Led Zepplin, Jethro Tull, Lenny & The Squigtones.


Be sure to read Gary's amazing autobiography CARAVAN !!

Iowa Code § 729A.2

Defines hate crimes as specified public offenses committed against a person or a

person's property because of that person's "race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin,

political affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, age, or disabiltiy."

There were 156 violations of Iowa Code 729A2 committed, based on religion, in La Porte City, Iowa located in Black Hawk County, Iowa in 2006!

There were 50 hate crimes, based on religion , in La Porte City, Iowa located in Black Hawk County, Iowa in 2007

Witch-Hunting still alive & well in Iowa!

The WRONG religion to own property in Black Hawk County, Iowa!

In 1993, I refused to join a local church. When I refused a local gossip, who did belong to that church, spread a rumor that I was "in the grip of the devil". It soon became that I worshipped the devil, had devil ceremonies in my home, etc. It reached the point where my four year old daughter was threatened to be murdered [ burned alive ] should she start school in La Porte City, Iowa. Having hate-crimes and a witch hunt in their city made the La Porte City, Iowa Police Department look bad. So, they needed to cover things up. The Chief of Police lead a boycott of my wife's workplace, and had her fired as a "cat-eater harrassing the police". An hour later, I was also arrested for three felonies: Felony Devil Worship, Felony Writing of Poetry, Felony Drug Possession. [ I was threatened with prison for writing poetry! It's true! They even banned my new poetry book! ] Not so strangely, the charges never went to court. Somehow though it's on my record that I am a convicted felon!

In 1997, my wife and I finally finished paying off our home. We were given the abstract. However, when we went to the Black Hawk County Iowa courthouse to get the deed, we were told that "Cat-Eaters" were "not allowed to own property in Black Hawk County, Iowa!". To this day, we still don't have the deed to our home, just the abstract!

We, also, recieved an official letter from Black Hawk County Iowa in 2004 informing us that due to our contined "felony behavior" that our Iowa Citizenship had been revoked. When we tried to call the Black Hawk Country Attorney to ask where the county got the authority to revoke our state citizenships, we were told that the Black Hawk Country Attorney was "aware of the case" but was refusing to talk to us.

Unless you are of the proper local religion and belong to the proper church here, your daughter is not allowed to go to school, your property is forfeited, etc.

And you thought witch-hunts were gone!



The legal stuff has been boiling for over a decade. We have been the victims of hate-crimes here for 15 years. The police are even in on it. We have been unable to maintain our rear property due to threats from some hateful people if we even step out there. These are the same people that threatened to burn our daughter alive should we put here in school here. The police said they wouldn't or couldn't due anything because it was "seperation of Church and State" and that it didn't matter what happened to our "little bitch". That's the police department here! Anyway, a tree finally fell over onto two neighbor's yards. Now we are just waiting for the lawsuits.... what a mess.

and of course we won't be allowed a lawyer and will be threatened as usual.